Interested in applying for a grant?
Visit our Apply for a Grant page for more information!

Warren County Philanthropic Partnership was formed as a community foundation to distribute Iowa’s County Endowment Fund money and support charitable giving in Warren County, Iowa.
For more than a decade, the foundation has responsibly distributed charitable dollars through grants to community nonprofit organizations. Since our inception, we have awarded more than $1 million into the community for beneficial projects.
As we move into the future, our goal is to continue grantmaking, but also to assist citizens in their charitable giving plans, work closely with city leaders and other organizations for organizational collaboration, and improve the quality of life in Warren County.
WCPP is an Affiliate of the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines and is governed by a Board of Directors under the direction of Warren County Economic Development Corporation, made up of passionate individuals invested in making decisions to improve Warren County.
The Board addresses community needs, evaluates grant applications, and awards grants to worthwhile projects in the county. Our foundation’s areas of emphasis include:
- Arts, Culture & Humanities
- Education
- Environment & Animals
- Health & Human Services
- Community & Economic Development
Community Grants are awarded in amounts between $500 and $5,000 for projects within the communities of Warren County benefitting a single community, smaller percentage of the citizenship, or the entire county.
High Impact Grants are awarded up to $25,000 for larger investment projects which make a big impact on multiple communities in the county or a larger percentage of the citizenship. WCPP awards up to two High Impact Grants each year.
The Trails Grant is a single grant awarded from our Warren County Trails Endowment Fund in an amount up to $500 for projects specifically meant to improve the trails system in Warren County.
Visit Apply for a Grant to learn more about our grantmaking process.
Grant amounts are dependent upon the allocation of funds available to the Community Foundation each fiscal year, limited to nonprofits located in Warren County and projects serving the county.
Planned Giving
WCPP works closely with the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines to assist citizens in achieving their charitable giving goals by setting up a fund which lets donors direct their assets to causes they’re passionate about. Donations can also be made directly to WCPP, knowing your gift will stay in Warren County and be distributed to a variety of nonprofits.