Our Board of Directors is made up of community-minded citizens from multiple communities throughout Warren County. The board is responsible for planning and implementing the annual grant program.

WCPP Board Members:

          • Jovanka Westbrook, President – Indianola
          • Pat Brehse, Treasurer – Carlisle
          • Pat O’Meara, Secretary – Indianola
          • Denise DayIndianola
          • Stephanie EricksonIndianola
          • Amy OliverMilo
          • Chris Cataldo – Norwalk

Interested in getting involved with WCPP?

Individuals, business owners, city leaders and anyone with a desire to improve life in Warren County are encouraged to apply to serve on the board or a committee. Our volunteer board makes organizational decisions with unique foresight of what Warren County can look like into our future. Our Grantmaking Committee is made up of board members and non-board members and scores grant applications to determine how grant dollars are distributed to our community. 

Visit Be Involved to learn more and submit an application to be considered for our board or committee or email WCPP@wcedc.com.